

私どもを利用する外国のお客様は、FIT(Free Independent Ture)といわれる個人旅行の観光客がほとんどです。宿泊客の9割が外国人客で、毎日7か国前後の人達に泊まっていただいております。




日本観光旅館連盟 日観連月報より 


Episode 11

Where were the customers from?

 Our 12 rooms are fully occupied with 18 customers yesterday.  Checking their nationalities, they are from America, Germany, Australia, Taiwan, Italy, France, Spain, Tibet and Japan.  Most of our customers are FIT (Free Independent Tour); independent tourists.  90% of our customers are from abroad, and they are from about 7 countries per day.

Seeing the statistics of International Promotion Committee, 60% of foreign visitors are from Asia, but it is about 20% at our hotel.  When we started to accept foreign visitors about 20 years ago, most of the customers are from America and Europe and not from Asia.  But, we have more young people from Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore from Heisei Year first.  I think it is going to grow as Asian tourists started to have independent tour.

Ranking the nationalities of our customers, America always comes first.  From second to fourth, they are Australia, England and Hong Kong.  Especially we have more customers from Hong Kong when yen gets lower.  France follows, but the ranking does not change much these days.  When we have visitors from Bhutan, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Czech, I would tell them “It is first time for us to have customers from your country.”

We have many Chinese customers from before though the tourists’ visa is issued for package tourists only.  It seems that they are teachers and researchers on other visa for visiting University of Tokyo which is close to our hotel.

It is no longer our concern where the customers are from as we do not change our service according to their nationalities and speak little English with anyone.