



 今月号よりシリーズとして、19年前から外国人旅行者を積極的にうけ入れられてこられた澤 功、澤の屋旅館主人(東京都台東区谷中)に、長年培やれた外客受け入れの体験的ノウハウを解りやすくご解説いただき、外客の受け入れは決して難しいものでは無く、今こそ積極的に営業展開を図るうえからも対応する必要があることを、是非会員の皆様にご理解願いたいと思います。」





日本観光旅館連盟 日観連月報


Episode 1

Reservation system with credit card number back-up

Under the prolonged Heisei recession, a reduction in Japanese tourists continues; acceptance of foreign tourists, which meets the “Welcome Plan 21” that the Ministry of Transport promotes in its national request, shows that it is a very important issue for each institutional member to strengthen its management.

In this issue as a series, Mr. Isao Sawa, the owner of Sawanoya Ryokan in Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo, who has been positively accepting foreign visitors for 19 years, explains his know-how and experience on the matter. It is not difficult for members to accept foreign tourists, but rather an issue of the time required to develop an efficient management system.

It is the 12th year my wife and I have visited a foreign customer (once a year) and we planned to visit Finland. We found a small hotel with 42 rooms on the Internet and made a reservation by email. We were requested to provide credit card details, so we faxed them to the number provided and received a confirmation by email the next day. After some time, we received a business card, maps and leaflet in the post from the person who originally emailed us. The cost of the room was 650 MARUKA (about 11,000 yen) with breakfast from Monday to Thursday, and 500 MARUKA (about 8,800 yen) on Friday and Saturday.

Operating a small 12-room family ryokan, we also had a reservation system by credit card number so that we could accept international tourists. With the system, we could charge a one-day charge in the case of no-show, though we shall be charged and have to take a customer to another ryokan, if we do not keep a room for them.

Now we accept reservations via email through the homepage my son started two years ago. It is bilingual (Japanese and English) and we receive about 2-3 inquiries per day.

It’s incredible to think that 19 years ago we started to accept foreign tourists due to the reduction of national tourists, and we have since welcomed about 88,000 visitors from 74 countries. Nowadays, 90% of our customers are from overseas, from 7 different countries per day (average) with a room-operating ratio of 90%

From the next issue, I will explain about some of the unexpected issues that can arise from accepting foreign visitors.

(The Japan Tourism Association Monthly Journal April, 2000)

Written by Isao Sawa and translated into English by Masumi