
An English version of SAWANOYA's book was published.



"Welcome to Sawanoya, Welcome to Japan"

208ページ、A5判変形 (20,0cm × 12,8cm)、カラー表紙







そんな折、ある観光関係の会合で知り合った大川紀男さんから、「以前、日本語で出版したご本を英語化しませんか」(1992年 TOTO出版、澤の屋は外国人宿・下町谷中の家族旅館奮闘記)との思いもかけないお勧めをいただきました。大川さんは、東京を拠点に質の高い異文化コミュニケーションサービスを提供する株式会社 オメガコムの社長を務めていらっしゃいます。






さあ、今度は、この本をお読みいただいたあなたもぜひ “Welcome to Sawanoya, welcome to Japan.”


澤  功



第1章   澤の屋の歴史

第2章    澤の屋、外国人宿になる

              初めての外国人客 / 外国人客大歓迎

第3章    風呂とトイレが大問題

「風呂場戦争」/ トイレの使い方教えます

第4章  知らないことばかり

「アメリカの汽車は日本を走っていません」/ 予約した客がこない/ 英語を話さない外国人

第5章  あきれたり、感心したり

「料金のディスカウントはできません」/ 真夜中の急患 / トラブルは尽きないが・・・

第6章  外国人と付き合う法

外国人になぜモテる / サービスしないことがよいサービス

第7章  下町の外国人客

澤の屋と下町 / 下町の国際交流

第8章    国立劇場の舞台に立つ

付録       日本と日本文化をよりよく知るための140のキーワード



A発行元にて・・・発行元の株式会社 オメガコム(info@omega-com.co.jp)にお問い合わせいただければ、もっとも低廉かつ迅速な入手方法を教えてくれます。

An English version of SAWANOYA's book was published.

We are, as always, extremely grateful for your patronage of our ryokan.

I would like to announce that the memoirs of the master of our ryokan have been translated into an English-language book entitled “Welcome to Sawanoya, Welcome to Japan.” Find out more about Japanese culture and customs through the eyes of the master of a family-run ryokan written in smooth, easy-to-understand English, accompanied by a well-informed glossary that fulfills your interest. On the whole, it’s a book that will make your stay even more enjoyable. If you have the chance, please give it a read.

“Welcome to Sawanoya, Welcome to Japan”

208 pp, 20.0 cm×12.8 cm, cover in color

Price: 1,260 yen(incl. consumption tax in Japan)

Greetings from the author (from “Preface”)

 It was over 40 years ago that I became the master of Sawanoya, through marriage to my wife Yoneko, and a quarter of a century has passed since we began providing lodging to travelers from abroad. I’m reminded once again of how quickly time flies.

Throughout those years, my family and I have single-mindedly concentrated on providing comfortable, pleasant and reasonably priced accommodations for guests both from
Japan and abroad, to make their stay in Tokyo and in Japan enjoyable. Accordingly, I had neither the opportunity nor the inclination to tell guests about Sawanoya’s and my own history, due to my sincere belief that guests should be the “stars” and the innkeeper a “supporting actor.”

But the passage of time, and the fact that next year I will be 70, made me think that it might be time to tell the story of Sawanoya, particularly to guests from abroad who have been our mainstay customers over the past few decades.

  As chance would have it, I met Norio Okawa, president of Omega-Com, Inc., a company in Tokyo working in the field of high-quality cross-cultural communications, at a tourism conference. He suggested that a book about Sawanoya that I had written earlier be translated into English.

  I initially hesitated at his proposal, since I felt that a book originally intended for the Japanese public might not be so interesting for readers of English. However, Mr. Okawa provided the necessary encouragement when he assured me that what I had felt and experienced would surely strike a chord with people from abroad too, so I decided to go ahead with this project.

  Since the story was written for Japanese readers first, I feared that some of the references that came up would be difficult for others to understand. Furthermore, the story was written over 10 years ago, and some things mentioned at that time have since become outdated. But Mr. Okawa provided a solution to this when he proposed adding a glossary containing detailed explanations of over 140 words in the text, as well as numerous illustrations, to give readers a better idea of things or ideas they might be unfamiliar with.

  A year and a half has gone by since my first meeting with Mr. Okawa and the project we undertook has now borne fruit with the publication of this book. I feel that the book, in addition to telling my own story, gives the added dividend of throwing some light on the lives of ordinary Japanese, and I will be very happy if it helps readers become more interested in Japan.

  I hope you will enjoy reading this book and I offer a heartfelt “Welcome to Sawanoya, welcome to Japan.”


Isao Sawa

July 2006 

The major contents


Chapter 1: The History of Sawanoya

Chapter 2: Sawanoya’s Transformation

Our First Overseas Guest / Sawanoya Welcomes Guests from Abroad

Chapter 3: Bathing and Toilet Customs

“Bathroom Wars” / How to Use the Toilet

Chapter 4: So Much to Learn

“The American Express Doesn’t Stop Here” / A No-show? / Not Everybody 
from Abroad Speaks English

Chapter 5: Ups and Downs

“Sorry, No Discounts” / A Medical Emergency / One Thing after Another

Chapter 6: Getting to Know People

Why So Popular among Overseas Guests? / No Service Is Good Service

Chapter 7: Our Overseas Guests and Shitamachi

The Sawanoya Neighborhood / International Exchanges in Shitamachi

Chapter 8: On Stage at the National Theatre


Appendix: Glossary on Japanese Culture and Customs

How to purchase

 1.      At this ryokan: we are currently selling the book; however, we are only offering it to those who can come to Sawanoya (those who wish may receive a copy signed by the author).

 2.      From the publisher: if you contact the publishers of this book, Omega-Com, Inc. (info@omega-com.co.jp), they will tell you how you may get a copy both quickly and at a reasonable price.
